VIPROM Training Platform

VIPROM offers on this training platform different training formats and curricula on domestic violence for professionals in the medical sector such as midwives, nurses, doctors, dentists, and dental and medical students.

Welcome to the international site of the
training platform of the EU project VIPROM

VIPROM – Victim Protection in Medicine – Exploiting practical knowledge of medical staff to enhance the multiprofessional contact with victims of domestic violence – is a research and innovation project funded by the European Union.

The VIPROM training platform is part of the European training platforms VIMPRODO on domestic violence of three EU projects IMPRODOVA, IMPROVE, VIPROM, which can be accessed via the following link:

In the previous EU project IMPRODOVA a training video for medical (and other) frontline responders managing domestic abuse was created. The video introduces the fictional domestic abuse of ‘Rita’. It shows how the cooperation with other professionals can look to support Rita best.

Further information and how to contact us can be found here.

This content warning is to inform visitors that the website contains information related to domestic violence that may be emotionally distressing or may trigger traumatic memories for some individuals.

What are VIPROM´s aims?

VIPROM aims to develop curricula for the medical sector on domestic violence and provides medical practitioners with stakeholder-specific training materials and methods, as well as practical guidelines for the sustainable integration of the developed curricula in medical institutions.

The introduction provides an overview on domestic violence in the health sector. On the training platform you can choose from from 8 different modules. Modules consist of specialist information on various topics, contain literature references as sources, links to further information, teaching videos, case studies and quizzes. You also have the possibility to download factsheets. Under teaching materials you will find materials tailored to trainers for classes and courses or for self-studies.

What articles are new on the VIPROM training platform?

Module 8: Stereotypes and unconscious bias
Health Sector

Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting (FGM/C)
Health Sector

Identification of victims of domestic violence in dentistry Health Sector